coffee stand - BASI II 手沖咖啡座
- BASI II コーヒードリッパースタンド

- BASI II coffee stand
- BASI II 手沖咖啡座
- BASI II コーヒードリッパースタンド
BASI II 玻璃柱與青銅製作的架子,可以依照使用者的需要,無段式地調整高度。在沖咖啡時,無論使用何種高度的杯子、容器,或是要加磅秤於下方,都很自由自在。我們也製作了具有菱格紋的雙層玻璃濾杯搭配清透的玻璃質感,讓沖煮咖啡的溫度維持高溫,保留風味。
Maximum of the minimum!
Skillfully combining the gravity and friction, taking out the spared elements, and back to the minimum, we present you this pour over coffee stand with both stunning exterior and practical function.
With the glass stand and brass rack, coffee maker may adjust the height of BASI II easily to fit various size of coffee containers and even with a scale underneath.
We also produce a double layered with diamond shaped glass dripper to go with the crystal clear glass stand to keep the warm temperature and the great flavor while pouring coffee.
Being simple, user friendly and going green are our motto of design.
黃銅 / 玻璃 / 手工雙層耐熱玻璃
Brass / Glass / Hand-made glass
Stand: H 21 cm
Hand-made glass Dripper: Ø 12±1 cm, H 10 ±1 cm

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- BASI手沖咖啡座
- BASIコーヒードリッパースタンド
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